HTTP Security Headers You Need to Know for 2022
The security of the modern web is a constant challenge. No matter how well your website is made, there are bound to be browser security bugs, and these appear as often as every other day. To keep your users safe and your website compliant, you need to have a thorough understanding of HTTP security headers. In this article, we will explain what they are, their significance, and the risks that can come with not knowing about them. If you want to keep your users safe and protect your website from attacks, you need to know about HTTP security headers for 2022
What Are HTTP Security Headers?
HTTP security headers are a set of HTTP response header fields that are sent by the webserver to the browser. These fields help to protect against various attacks. The most common attack is cross-site scripting (XSS), which can allow an attacker to execute malicious code on your website.
Why Should You Care About HTTP Security Headers?
HTTP security headers are a way to let browsers know that your website is secure. While there are many reasons why they are important, the most important ones are to ensure your website’s safety and compliance with regulations like PCI DSS and GDPR. If you don’t know what HTTP security headers are, then it’s very likely that you aren’t fully protecting your website or users from potential threats. Let’s discuss how HTTP security headers work: The first thing any browser does when visiting a webpage is to request the page’s HTML source. The browser then uses this information to generate a layout of the webpage. This process can take anywhere from just under one second up to 20 seconds depending on the browser. In order for the browser to do this, it must have access to all of the files on your site’s server. Hence, an attacker could try and tamper with these files in order to intercept these requests and gain access to sensitive information about your website. To prevent this from happening, HTTPS uses HTTP security headers that signify that all of the requested data has been encrypted before being sent over the network. For example, if your site uses HTTPS, you could add “Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000” which would tell browsers that they should only allow connections from HTTPS servers for one year (3,536,000 seconds). Another attribute you can use is “X-Frame-Options:
HTTP Security Header Types
There are three different types of security headers, which are: –
- Cookie Security Header
- Connection Security Header
Public Key Infrastructure (X.509) certificate header Each header can have a different meaning and use depending on the situation. For example, a cookie security header is used to encrypt data that’s sent back and forth between the browser and the website when a user requests a page from your website. The connection security header is a type of HTTP request that helps monitor who is making requests to your website and what they are doing. Public Key Infrastructure (X.509) certificates are used to secure connections between two parties who want to communicate with each other. Let’s break down this information for you in more detail.
URI Predicate
The URI predicate is a string that is appended to the end of URLs. It tells browsers what they are allowed to do with the URL. For example, ‘’ would be a valid URL but would not be permitted by most browsers because it is not a secure connection. The URI predicate also makes sure that your website isn’t targeting any other URL that has been blocked for security purposes or has been hacked, so this prevents break-ins and attacks from happening on your website too. HTTP Security Headers There are a few important HTTP security headers that you should know about the Authentication header, the Referer header, and the Origin header. These three play an important role in securing your website against attacks; they will help protect against things like man-in-the-middle attacks or tracking cookies being used against you.
Exclusion Rule
The exclusion rule is the most important part of HTTP security headers. It means that if a request does not have this header, then it should be blocked. For example, if you are using a content delivery network (CDN) and have set up an HTTP security header with a value of “X-Frame-Options” with an option of “SAMEORIGIN”, then requests from browsers that do not support this header are automatically blocked. Keep in mind that this only happens for requests without the exclusion rule in place.
Subscription Rule
The most important rule of HTTP security headers is the “Subscription rule”. This rule states that for every request, a website must return a security header with the following: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/Html; charset=UTF-8 This means that when a browser makes an HTTP request, it will receive an HTTP response with the Content-Type header set to text/Html and the character set to UTF-8. When you combine this with the fact that there is no requirement for any character set in an HTTP response, browsers will automatically assume that the content returned is HTML and not XML or anything else.
Encoded Header
HTTP has a header or a part of the page that is sent with every request and response. This header is encoded with information about the user, such as what browser they are using and what their IP address is. When you send this header to your server, it means that you are telling the server who is making the request. The header also has instructions on how to respond to this request. For example, if you want an image to be delivered without being pixelated when it arrives at the server, there will be instructions in the header telling you how to deliver this image without compression or resizing. If you want your website to be secure, you need to make sure that all of these headers are correct and do not contain any errors. Identifying security problems in these headers can give attackers valuable information about your website and serve as a potential point for vulnerability exploits.
This article provides an introduction to HTTP security headers. It covers what these headers are, why you need to care about them, and the different types of headers. More importantly, it also provides links to resources that provide further information about the specific types of security headers.