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Long-Tail Keywords and SEO

Mar 15, 2020

Long-Tail Keywords and SEO

Focusing on long-tail keywords will be the best SEO tactic that you can have. The long-tail keywords generally are the keywords and key phrases, which are highly specific – and longer – than commonly searched-for keywords. The long-tail keywords will get lesser traffic, however, will have a higher conversion value, since they are specific. They will allow you to slowly get a little more traffic and be found by new and motivated audiences. In order, to gain from the long-tail keyword plan, you must have a clear vision of your company, product, or your website. So, here, I am going to explain what the long-tail keywords are or show you how knowing your product will help you to set up the strategy or why you must put effort into it.

What’re the long-tail keywords?

The long-tail keywords generally are specific and very less common compared to other keywords out there. They generally focus more on the niche. In a few cases, this market is small. Vastness of the internet, although, makes the niche product, and niche blog profitable.

One theme

Most blogs have got one main topic –it is called a head term or primary keyword. The Mom blogs are generally about family and children; the food blogs are all about restaurants, eating, or recipes. But, our blog is about SEO and we named it an SEO blog. Thus, all our blog posts are going to be about SEO and SEO topics. The main topic and theme of the site or blog is the number one keyword (keyphrase) that you want the people to use and find you. Just imagine having a food blog on homemade Chinese food. You will then have to be seen on the search term such as [homemade Chinese food]. That will pretty much be number one.

In order, to help you illustrate the phenomenon, let us take a close look at a typical buying path that the customer travels on a way to make the purchase.

  • Consumer seeks information about the product in preparation for a possible purchase.
  • Consumer stays aware of the product.
  • Consumer makes the purchase decision.
  • Consumer evaluates any alternatives to the product
  • Consumer evaluates this product after purchasing it or decides if they ever want to keep and return it.
  • Consumer pulls their card & completes their transaction.

Using the above step path to the purchase as a model, you probably will see you would like to target your consumer that is somewhere overstep four…

long tail keyword

Why focus on the long-tail keywords?

It is very simple to rank for the long-tail keywords compared to common keywords as lesser sites compete for the high ranks in result pages. Longer (specific) search terms will be, simple to rank for this term. Due to the vastness of the internet, it’s simple to find the audience for a particular niche. Thus, focusing on the group of long-tail keywords may result in a high deal of traffic altogether. One more benefit to focussing on the long-tail keywords will be, although such keywords are generally used very less in the search, the visitor finds the website using this is likely to purchase your service and product.

Why are the Long Tail Keywords Very Important in SEO?

There’re two primary reasons that you may have to focus on the long-tail keywords:

Long-tail keywords are not very competitive

When it comes to SEO, the long tails are less competitive compared to shorter “head terms”. For instance, a short tail keyword such as “link building” has more than 6 billion results just in Google:

Google search for “link building”

Thus, if you ever wish to rank no 1 in Google for this query, you have to outrank six billion other websites.

Long-tail keywords generally have high conversion rates

The long-tail searches are not just longer. But, they are very specific as well.

In other words

The people who are looking for the long tail terms generally tend to be further all along in their buying cycle when compared to the people who are searching for the head terms. For instance, take a keyword like: “Zero calorie diet”.

Someone looking for a zero-calorie diet probably is trying to know what it is and how it works and that means they are not yet ready to purchase anything. But somebody looking for the longer version of this term (such as “Zero calorie diet supplement”) is closer to making the purchase.

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